Friday, November 30, 2012

Fallacies of Pregnancy

Busting a Few Fallacies of Pregnancy

Myth 1: Don't touch a pregnant woman's wrist or ankles.

I can't even tell you how much it ruffles my feathers when someone tries to tell me that you should never touch a pregnant woman's wrists or ankles.  Really?  Come on folks!  This is so, so not true.  There is no evidence new or ancient that support this statement.  If a woman could end a pregnancy by touching points on her ankles and wrists no one would ever know about "unwanted" pregnancies, abortion wouldn't even be an issue, and Roe v. Wade would not have been necessary because women would not have had to resort to shoving coat hangers up their vaginas to end pregnancies that were forced upon them.

So let's break this down to a less emotional level.  There have been several studies done by the acupuncture and reflexology communities and all of them conclude that stimulating the specific points on the wrists and ankles alone do not start contractions in the uterus.  The links take you to articles supporting this claim. The points on the wrists and ankles are for AUGMENTATION of labor that has already begun.

Why has this fallacy thrived so well?  Because everyone "knows" you shouldn't touch a pregnant woman's wrists and ankles.  It's an old tall tale that got really great publicity and is now part of the urban legend base.  Explore the literature on your own and come to your own conclusions.  I am standing by the statement that stimulating the points on a woman's ankles and wrists will not start labor, it will only augment labor that has already begun.

Partners, husbands, wives, friends, loved ones - PLEASE rub your pregnant woman's feet and ankles, massage her hands and stretch her wrists - gently.  This is a time of growth and genesis.  It is so important to show kindness and love, and hand and foot care is essential.  

Myth 2:  A pregnant woman can only lie on her left side.

This is only true if the mother is having circulatory problems.  If a pregnant woman is comfortable lying on her right side then she can lie on her right side.

A generalized statement like "you can only lie on your left side" is insulting to women.  It implies that women are not smart enough to realize when they are uncomfortable and need to be told how to be comfortable!  Come on, women are smart enough to raise children, hold a job, run a household, take care of the livestock (dogs & cats included), and still have time to have a cup of tea with a friend.  So please, give credit where credit is due - if mama is comfy on her right side leave her be.

Mama's, the symptoms you are looking for if right side lying is uncomfortable are nausea, dizziness, a feeling of unease, and/or racing pulse.  If you feel any of these sit up! - turn to your side and roll up slowly please - do not do a crunch to sit up.  Take a few deep breaths and get on your left side.  There are, of course, exceptions - there are women whose anatomy dictates they need to lie on their right side because of how the circulatory system is laid out in the trunk.    

Why is this an issue in the first place?  The concern is that the weight of the baby after 22 weeks (in the later 2nd trimester) can compress the inferior vena cava.  What is the inferior vena cava?  It is the vein that is carrying deoxygenated (used up) blood back to the heart and lungs for oxygenation (rejuvenation).  In most people the inferior vena cava lies slightly to the right of the spine, therefore the request to have mama lie on her left side.  When compression does happen mama will feel uneasy, slight dizziness, nausea - wouldn't you get up and move?  Yes, me too.

Myth 3:  Pregnancy is an illness.

Pregnancy is not an illness!  Every single reproducing organism goes through a form of pregnancy.  They are not considered ill.  Why are human women perceived as being sick in pregnancy?  Why are we rushed to the doctor?  Why are we inundated with false information telling us pregnancy is horrible, labor is worse, and well - we simply aren't meant to birth?  Total horse hockey!  Have you looked in the mirror lately?  Those hips weren't made to carry trays ladies, they were made to grow baby's and then carry them.  Please, please, please educate yourselves about physiological pregnancy, labor, and birth.  Enjoy your pregnancy, labor, and birth.

Surround yourselves with people who support you in such a joyous time.  Be certain your birth team KNOWS you can birth your baby.  Enjoy the changes your body will go through and embrace the challenge to relearn how to use your body in grace and humility.  Pregnancy is not an illness, I only hope that someday birth will be normalized again, we will give birth at home unless mom or baby needs the hospital - home birth is NOT for everyone.  Only women who are healthy and have low risk medical histories.  In the interest of full disclosure both of my children were born in hospital - although the second was almost born on the interstate :0)  In the US 99% of baby's are born in the hospital.  Be empowered, be responsible for your own care, and be at peace with how your child is born into this world.

Myth #4: Exercising while pregnant is dangerous

Um, no.  This is also not true.  There are certain strenuous forms of exercise to be avoided but mama needs to stay in shape to prepare for the big birth day.  It is important for the whole body to be well toned, flexible, and ready for serious exertion.  There are several exercise classes for pregnancy - the most useful being some kind of exercise mom already does in her everyday life.  If exercise is not part of your everyday regimen find a low key, well experienced, prenatal exercise class.  Prenatal yoga is quite prevalent right now.  Do the research and make sure your instructor is certified in prenatal yoga training.  In the Minneapolis/St. Paul area Blooma Yoga is the premier studio for prenatal yoga training and instruction.  Well worth a visit to take a class or learn how to get certified.

Myth #5:  No sex while pregnant

Thank goodness this isn't true!  What a huge bummer for you and your partner this would be if you could not have sex for NINE MONTHS - Oy!  Enjoy the rounding out of your body and the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy.  Sex can be fun and even more enjoyable during pregnancy with the added benefit of the happy pregnancy hormones (oxytocin).
The times to avoid sex while pregnant are if you are experiencing bleeding and/or cramping, or if your water breaks.
Otherwise - enjoy!

Please know and note that information gained from this blog should not be interpreted to preempt anything your primary care provider has suggested or prescribed for you.  ONLY your primary care provider and yourself can change your regimen of care.  If you choose to do something against the advice of your primary care provider be certain you are fully informed of the pros and cons of your choice.

All the best!

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